The Fortnite Tornado Week offers players a new way to fly

The Fortnite Tornado Week offers players a new way to fly-The forecast for Fortnite is quite dangerous, and severe weather is a no-brainer for battle royale games. Tornado Week has begun, and it brings wind and lightning to the island.

The January 11 hotfix comes with Fortnite’s Tornado Week. A tornado can touch down at any time during a game, as the update’s name suggests. However, you don’t have to run from it – jump inside and float around. A tornado can spit you out at any time or you can glide to another part of the island. Gliding won’t hurt you either.

A thunderstorm cloud may also form, sending lightning arching down to the ground below. If lightning strikes you, it will cause a bit of damage and lighten the surrounding area on fire, but the shock will also increase your speed for a short time. Lightning is affected by elevation and water, so it’s best to climb to a higher elevation or head to a body of water – motorboats are a good idea.

These weather conditions are permanent additions to the game, but during Tornado Week (which runs through 9 AM ET on January 17), you’ll see them much more frequently. They appear in all non-competitive playlists. You won’t see the Flare Gun in competitive playlists either, but the weapon has also been unvalued as part of the hotfix. The Flare Gun appears in Chests, in Supply Drops, and on the ground.

Check more: Find out What is Double Movement in Fortnite?

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