Aghori Gaming real name, free fire ID, ranked, gaming career

Free Fire: Aghori Gaming real name, free fire ID, ranked, gaming career- Many people have heard about Aghori Gaming on Youtube and many social media sites.  The real name of Aghori gaming is Sanju Mali. He is the leader of the famed Survivor guild.

Free Fire ID:

Aghori Gaming’s Free Fire ID is 46454168.

Gaming career:

Check more: Daywin’s Free Fire ID, stats, monthly income, and YouTube subscribers, KD

Ranked stats:


He has 474k + subscribers on the Aghori gaming channel and 187videos. The first video on Aghori Gaming’s channel was published in April 2018 and has since been regularly uploading videos.



He earns approximately $335 – $5.4K from his YouTube channel.

Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creator continues to play more games in Garena Free Fire.

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